
Born 1980 in Prague. She studied journalism and media studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. After the year 2000, she worked in the cultural editorial office of the daily Mladá fronta Dnes. Since 2014, she published four books: Vladimíra Čerepková (2014), 7 × ve vedlejší úloze [7 times in a Supporting Role] (2016), Neotevřené dopisy [Unopened Letters] (2018) and Rozpůlený dům [The Halved House] (2022). The publisher describes the latest as "a novel about free-spirited women and poachers, textile traders and spiritists", which "takes place in a Sudeten village in the first half of the 20th century. The Czechs and Germans live here in mixed marriages, but they also argue about what nationality they will register to during the census, who will build a new school first and who killed a dog named Masaryk.